It appears that comprehensive immigration reform is finally going to be put into place, according…
Today's News
Shamnesty versus Obamnesty?

So over the last 24 hours everyone’s jumped into the immigration reform news headlines, each with their own agenda. Kind of good timing for all of them because everyone needed a way to turn down the volume on the gun debate.
What better way than for the Gang of 8 to spring into action with their own flavor of immigration reform some are calling Shamnesty.
It right up there with it is the flip side, Obamnesty. The supposed result of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants being granted a “free pass” in the word of those who oppose it.
President Obama came out today with his own early AM statement, and is due to speak later today.
Why are both parties suddenly rallying to this issue? According to an article on, it’s simple:
The simultaneous immigration campaigns were spurred by the November presidential election, in which Obama won an overwhelming majority of Hispanic voters. The results caused Republican lawmakers who had previously opposed immigration reform to reconsider in order to rebuild the party’s reputation among Hispanics, an increasingly powerful political force.
That makes sense, but I doubt many Hispanic voters can be sayed to the Republican side just because some immigration reform was passed, when for years it was Republicans who halted any immigration reform changes of any kind.
Ezra Klien put an interesting spin on the subject of visa caps as they relate to potential economic benefit, found here in detail on Wonkblog:
Perhaps the key architectural question in building a new immigration system (as opposed to figuring out what to do with the failures of the last immigration system) is deciding whether we’ll focus our visas on drawing needed skills (for instance, by favouring immigrants with advanced degrees or who work in sectors, like agriculture, where we need more labor), emphasizing family unification or something else.
Immigration attorneys and lawyers will surely all be wondering what’s about to happen next. Will there be a bonanza of new clients trying to get in under the old system, or a rush of new ones?
Will the issue drag out or come to a sudden definitive closure>
Fast and simple just doesn’t seem like the Washington DC we know right?
Are both parties just showing off? Or is this going to be a fight like health care was?
More links for current stories:
Senators present plan for immigration reform
Expect Few Ultimatums in Obama Immigration Speech
Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform Deal Announced as President Obama Set to speak today
Noting progress, Obama to lay out immigration reform vision
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Muay Thai Training in Udon Thani Thailand
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January 2019 Visa Bulletin

Here’s the latest Visa Bulletin.
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A battle over Trump’s border wall could shut down major parts of the government for the third time this year

President Donald Trump has requested $5 billion in U.S. funding for his proposed wall on the U.S.-Meixco border, however, the Democrats refused to agree to such a sum.
On CNBC, the story quotes:
Once again, a spat over President Donald Trump’s immigration plans has derailed talks to keep the government open.
Congress faces a Dec. 7 deadline to fund parts of the government. Trump signed spending legislation in September for five agencies, such as the departments of Defense and Health and Human Services, for the next fiscal year. But lawmakers still need to fund seven other agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security.
As Congress has already approved money for large parts of the federal government, a partial shutdown will have limited effects on its core functions. The funding fight does have stakes for how much of the president’s immigration agenda he can enact as a migrant crisis plays out at the southern border.
Today's News
Migrant Caravan Set To Cross Border

The “Migrant Caravan” is now set to attempt to cross the Mexican border into the United States.
It’s uncertain as to what will take place, but there have been very pointed statements by both those opposing, and supporting the undertaking.
On Yahoo, the story quotes:
As the issue exploded into a diplomatic row, organizers of the caravan quietly broke it up.
The Department of Homeland Security issued a stark warning Wednesday to the first 120 who arrived, including some 50 minors.
“If you enter our country illegally, you have broken the law and will be referred for prosecution,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said.
Nielsen said those making false immigration claims or helping others to do so would also be prosecuted.
Around 600 migrants are still traveling more or less together by hopping trains and taking buses.
The first two buses will be followed by three more, said organizer Irineo Mujica of the migrant rights group People Without Borders.
and Reuters reports:
Busloads of migrants began arriving on Tuesday at a shelter that was a five minute-walk from the border and within sight of a U.S. flag waving under an overpass connecting the two countries.
While many rested in tents after a month-long journey across Mexico, others wandered up to the border to contemplate the next stage in their journey.
“The wall doesn’t look that tall,” said Kimberly George, a 15-year-old girl from Honduras as she looked toward a stunted barrier a few feet away. “I really want to cross it.”
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