More reform to the immigration system is on tap. This time not good news for…
Politics / Legislation
Trump Goes on Offensive, Starting With an Attack on Harris

WASHINGTON — President Trump unleashed a scorched-earth campaign on Thursday against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. hours before Mr. Biden was to accept the Democratic presidential nomination, predicting “mayhem” if his rival won the general election in November.
“At stake in this election is the survival of our nation, it’s true,” Mr. Trump told a small crowd in a Pennsylvania town not far from where Mr. Biden was born. “Because we’re dealing with crazy people on the other side. They’ve gone totally stone-cold crazy.”
The president took aim at Senator Kamala Harris of California, the Democratic nominee for vice president, seeking to stoke fear of immigrants by offering a brutal description of a case involving an undocumented immigrant who was included in a jobs program while Ms. Harris was the top prosecutor in San Francisco.
“As district attorney of San Francisco, Kamala put a drug-dealing illegal alien into a jobs program instead of into prison,” Mr. Trump said. “Four months later, the illegal alien robbed a 29-year-old woman, mowed her down with an S.U.V., fracturing her skull and ruining her life.”
It was a reference to the case of Alexander Izaguirre, an undocumented immigrant convicted of selling cocaine in 2008. He was a participant in Back on Track, an initiative spearheaded by Ms. Harris that placed young, first-time drug offenders who pleaded guilty to their crimes into a jobs program rather than jail.
Mr. Trump’s attack on Ms. Harris was an echo of the Willie Horton episode during the 1988 presidential race between Vice President George Bush and Gov. Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts. Mr. Bush’s campaign and its allies repeatedly invoked Mr. Horton — a Black prisoner in Massachusetts who, while released on a furlough program, raped a white woman — to suggest Mr. Dukakis was soft on crime.
In July 2008, Mr. Izaguirre snatched a woman’s purse and jumped into a car. When the woman jumped onto the car’s hood, the driver slammed on the brakes and the woman was thrown to the sidewalk, The Los Angeles Times reported in 2009.
When she learned of the case, Ms. Harris said that year that Mr. Izaguirre’s inclusion in the program was a mistake, one that she had since fixed by requiring would-be participants to provide “everything from Social Security cards to whatever it is that they can produce” to show that they are in the United States legally.
At the time, 113 offenders had successfully completed the program, while 99 had failed and been sent back into the court system. Ms. Harris said in 2009 that Mr. Izaguirre was one of seven undocumented immigrants in the program, but was the only one who failed, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.
As the president prepares for the Republican National Convention next week, he has begun to reveal the core of his coming campaign: a highly personal assault on Mr. Biden and his running mate.
“These people have gone insane and they are radical left,” Mr. Trump said, calling Mr. Biden “a puppet of the radical-left movement that seeks to destroy the American way of life.”
In Mr. Trump’s often blatantly misleading telling, Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris will destroy the country by taking guns away from Americans, funding late-term abortions, encouraging “deadly ‘sanctuary cities’” and allowing low-income housing to “abolish suburbs.”
Seeking to undermine Mr. Biden’s appeal in rural, blue-collar parts of Pennsylvania, the president lashed out at him, saying that Mr. Biden had “abandoned” his hometown, Scranton, when his family moved when he was a young boy.
Mr. Trump said that Mr. Biden had been at the forefront of a “globalist attack on Pennsylvania voters,” citing the former vice president’s support of trade deals with Mexico, China, South Korea and “the horrible, ridiculous Paris climate accords.”
“As far as I’m concerned,” Mr. Trump asserted, “Joe Biden is no friend of Pennsylvania.”
In his remarks, the president also ascribed to Mr. Biden’s many positions that he does not actually hold or he mischaracterized Mr. Biden’s proposals.
Mr. Trump misleadingly claimed that Mr. Biden had “pledged to hike your taxes by $4 trillion dollars.” Three-quarters of the proposed increases would be levied on the wealthiest 1 percent of the population.
President Trump falsely said that Mr. Biden would “take away your guns.” Mr. Biden’s proposed gun control measures include a buyback program that would allow those who own assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to either sell them to the government or register them.
Mr. Trump also falsely said that Mr. Biden would “give free health care to illegal aliens.” Mr. Biden’s health care plan would allow undocumented immigrants to buy government-sponsored insurance or private plans on government-run exchanges, but it would not be “free.”
President Trump misleadingly claimed that Mr. Biden would “close down charter schools.” Mr. Biden has said that he would end voucher programs for private, for-profit charter schools, but that he supports high-performing public charter schools.
And Mr. Trump misleadingly claimed that under Mr. Biden, “I guess 600,000, 670,000 lose their jobs.” That is an estimate of the effect of a nationwide ban on fracking from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, but Mr. Biden has not said he supports such a ban.
By Michael D. Shear and Linda Qiu
Source: Trump Goes on Offensive, Starting With an Attack on Harris
DeSantis parts with Trump in response to Surfside tragedy

According to this article on Associated Press, by BOBBY CAINA CALVAN and STEVEN SLOAN
“SURFSIDE, Fla. (AP) — When the coronavirus ravaged Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis defiantly bucked mask mandates. He later cracked down on protesters advocating racial justice, blasted President Joe Biden on immigration, jumped into the fight over transgender athletes and signed sweeping legislation to toughen voting rules.
But after a deadly building collapse, the Republican governor is largely hitting pause on the culture wars.
In the two weeks since a 12-story condo tower in this coastal community suddenly crumbled, killing at least 64 people, DeSantis has stood somberly with local officials, including Democrats, as they assessed the damage. He nodded in agreement when Biden visited and hailed their joint appearance as a sign that those with opposing political views can work together in a crisis. And he even skipped a rally in Sarasota headlined by former President Donald Trump, whose early endorsement was crucial in helping DeSantis win the governor’s race in 2018.”
Trump’s border security theater hasn’t ended — it’s gotten worse

According to this article on MSNBC, by Hayes Brown, MSNBC Opinion Columnist
“There are a lot of problems with the U.S. immigration system. Of all the even halfway decent fixes that have been proposed over the years, though, sending in the military to deter immigrants at the southern border ranks pretty far down the list. And yet that’s exactly what’s happening, part of a process that I highly doubt will make anyone safer, be they a U.S. citizen or a migrant who has recently crossed the border.
In a rush of gubernatorial one-upmanship, National Guard troops and state police officers are being sent from around the country to fortify Texas and Arizona — sort of. Meanwhile, thousands of service members are unwilling participants in a farce, play-acting at an actual solution to immigration issues that have loomed over the country for decades now. Those federal troops whom former President Donald Trump first deployed ahead of the 2018 midterms will apparently spend another year doing, well, something along the southwestern border.”
Texas Sheriffs Sue President Biden for Limiting Deportations

According to this article on Courthouse News Service, by CAMERON LANGFORD
“GALVESTON, Texas (CN) — Four Texas sheriffs and an association of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers sued the Biden administration Thursday, claiming its policy limiting ICE from taking most arrested immigrants into custody for deportation is allowing “extremely dangerous illegal aliens” to be released onto the streets.
As part of President Joe Biden’s pledge to take a more humane approach to immigration enforcement compared to the harsh policies of former President Donald Trump, the Biden administration issued a memo Feb. 18 directing ICE to focus on deporting immigrants who are national security or terrorist threats, gang members, those who have been convicted of certain aggravated felonies and any that entered the country after Nov. 1.”
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