In an effort to combat Chinese espionage in the United States, the Federal Bureau of…
Bill introduced in the United States to grant an automatic right to H4 visa holders
According to this article on The Bharat Express News, by The Bharat Express News
“Two members of the United States Congress introduced a bill in the House of Representatives on Thursday to grant an automatic right to H-4 visa holders to work in the United States.
The two lawmakers introduced the legislation, saying it aims to address the nation’s labor shortage that affects American businesses and help immigrant families prosper together.
H-4 visas are issued to spouses and dependent children accompanying H-1B, H-2A, H-2B, and H-3 visa holders to the United States.
Many H-4 visa holders are highly skilled people in their own right and have already had their own careers or worked to support their families.
Introduced by Congresswomen Carolyn Bourdeaux and Maria Elvira Salazar, the H-4 Work Authorization Act seeks to change current law and grant spouses of immigrants with H-1B visas an automatic right to work after receiving their H-4 visa.”