It appears that comprehensive immigration reform is finally going to be put into place, according…
A Wake-up Call on Immigration Reform?
According to this article on American Forum, by Douglas Holtz-Eakin
“Friday, a U.S. District Judge ruled that President Barack Obama overstepped his executive authority in creating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and labelled DACA an “illegally implemented program.” While Judge Hanen did not end DACA, he barred any new entrants into the program, issued a permanent injunction vacating the memo that created DACA in 2012, and remanded the issue to the Department of Homeland Security for reconsideration.
But this is clearly not something to be dealt with by executive action. Indeed, the Washington Post reports that the president issued a statement saying: “Only Congress can ensure a permanent solution by granting a path to citizenship for Dreamers that will provide the certainty and stability that these young people need and deserve” and “It is my fervent hope that through reconciliation or other means, Congress will finally provide security to all Dreamers, who have lived too long in fear.””