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USCIS Has 5.5 Million Applications Pending, Up 2.2 Million from 2015

5.5 Million Applications Pending, a number that number grew to 5,538,609; the difference is nearly 2.2 million compared to 2015.



5.5 Million Applications Pending

USCIS Update: Very Long Processing Times, What’s Happening?

5.5 Million Applications are still pending since President Trump signed a new Presidential Proclamation that prevents nearly 167,000 visa holders from entering the United States. Since June 24, 2020, the following individuals will be denied entry unless they previously obtained a visa or already have a valid travel document:

  • Specialty occupation workers (H-1B) and their spouses and children (H-4)
  • Seasonal non-agricultural workers (H-2B), with an exception for those working in the food supply chain
  • Exchange visitors including interns, trainees, teachers, camp counselors, au pairs, and summer workers (J-1) and their spouses and children (J-2)
  • Employees of multinational companies (L-1) and their spouses and children (L-2)

It is important to note that the proclamation does not apply to individuals who are already working in the United States with a valid immigration status.

While the entry ban is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2020, it could be renewed for as long as President Trump is in office.

The total number of pending cases at the end of 2015 was 3,356,984; four years later that number grew to 5,538,609; the difference is nearly 2.2 million. That’s an increase of nearly 65 percent. A table below shows the major 23 categories of benefits and differences in numeric and in percentage between 2016 and 2020.

Population Total Q1, FY 2016 Total Q1, FY 2020 Numerical Difference Pct. Difference
Asylum Application 128,307 338,931 210,624 164.20%
U Nonimmigrant Status Applications 108,623 257,837 149,214 137.40%
Waivers 102,737 217,292 114,555 111.50%
Advance Parole 74,266 148,176 73,910 99.50%
Remove Conditions on Residence 122,558 242,840 120,282 98.10%
Immediate and Preference Relatives 801,583 1,570,512 768,929 95.90%
Asylum Adjustments 25,646 44,849 19,203 74.90%
Family-Based Adjustments 199,422 336,335 136,913 68.70%
Application for Naturalization (Non-Military) 384,850 649,021 264,171 68.60%
Renew/Replace Permanent Resident Cards 323,366 499,404 176,038 54.40%
Employment Authorization Documents 433,848 645,611 211,763 48.80%
Recognition of Citizenship Application 32,056 41,205 9,149 28.50%
Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status 81,046 100,842 19,796 24.40%
Other Adjustments of Status 23,803 28,827 5,024 21.10%
Employment-Based Adjustments 125,161 143,231 18,070 14.40%
Immigrant Petitions for Workers 43,509 44,980 1,471 3.40%
Reentry Permit/Refugee Travel Document 24,100 22,000 -2,100 -8.70%
Nonimmigrant Worker Petitions 126,900 103,879 -23,021 -18.10%
Petitions by Entrepreneurs 21,988 17,468 -4,520 -20.60%
Refugee Adjustments 37,340 24,128 -13,212 -35.40%
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals 56,821 36,031 -20,790 -36.60%
Cuban Adjustment Act 24,960 13,149 -11,811 -47.30%
Temporary Protected Status 54,094 12,061 -42,033 -77.70%
Total 3,356,984 5,538,609 2,181,625 65%

To check the processing time for petitions, visit the USCIS website.

Source: USCIS Has 5.5 Million Applications Pending, Up 2.2 Million from 2015

Source: ” Number of Service-wide Forms Fiscal Year to Date by Quarterand Year”, USCIS.

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Trump to Reform Immigration via Reagan Blueprint?





The Hill has an interesting article, actually two, that cover this:

And here’s their Opinion category for Immigration:

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House Republicans push asylum restrictions, border security



According to this article on Associated Press, by STEPHEN GROVES

“WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans for months have railed against the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. border with Mexico, holding hearings, visiting border communities and promising to advance legislation to clamp down on illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

But so far, they have failed to unify behind a plan, delaying efforts to pass legislation.

Now they are hoping to change that. Republicans on Wednesday jump-started work on an immigration and border enforcement package that would remake immigration law to make it more difficult to apply for asylum and easier for the federal government to stop migrants from entering the U.S. It combines proposals from a number of conservative hardliners into a single bill.”

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Biden is ignoring immigration issues, voters say in poll



According to this article on Politico, by Myah Ward

“President Joe Biden’s immigration problem isn’t just about policy. It’s that he’s not talking about the issue enough, voters say in a new survey from a Democratic polling firm.

Fifty-eight percent of voters in seven key Electoral College battleground states disapprove of how the president is handling immigration, compared with 32 percent who approve, according to a new swing-state poll from Global Strategy Group first shared with POLITICO. And a majority of voters surveyed, at 52 percent, believe Biden is ignoring problems at the border, while 50 percent said the president is ignoring the situation around undocumented immigrants.”

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