According to this article on Fox News, by Joshua Dudzik "Fox News host Sean Hannity…
Under Biden, the Border Wall Is More Powerful Than Ever
According to this article on The Nation, by Todd Miller
“First, it was the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) vehicles speeding along on the road in front of our campsite. Then it was the Border Patrol’s all-terrain vehicles moving swiftly on a ridge above us. I was about 10 miles north of the border with Mexico, near Peña Blanca Lake in southern Arizona, camping with my 6-year-old son and some other families. Like fire trucks racing to a blaze, the Border Patrol mobilization around me was growing so large I could only imagine an emergency situation developing.
I started climbing to get a better look and soon found myself alone on a golden hill dotted with alligator junipers and mesquite. Brilliant vermilion flycatchers fluttered between the branches. The road, though, was Border Patrol all the way. Atop the hill opposite mine stood a surveillance tower. Since it loomed over our campsite, I’d been looking at it all weekend. It felt strangely like part of English philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon—in other words, I wasn’t sure whether I was being watched or not. But I suspected I was.”