According to this article on The Hill, by TAL AXELROD "A majority of voters in…
Poll: Pa. voters back Dreamers; path to citizenship for the undocumented | Thursday Morning Coffee
According to this article on Pennsylvania Capital-Star, by John L. Micek
“The growing political clout of Pennsylvania’s thriving Latino community is already well-documented.
And as we move into the thick of the midterm campaign season, it’s also becoming abundantly clear that Latino voters, a diverse coalition whose loyalties can’t be taken for granted, also are discovering — and using — their voices to speak up on a host of issues.
A recent poll of voters in nine battleground states, including Pennsylvania, provides further clarification of those priorities, with strong majorities saying Congress should move to protect Dreamers if a federal court overturns the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and move to stabilize the nation’s agricultural workforce to help stem rising food prices.”