
One-Stop PERM Classified Ad Agency



PERM-Ads.com specializes in placing Labor Certification recruitment ads for Immigration Law Firms and Employers/Petitioners. We can place ads in any national or local newspaper, radio station, trade journal, online job board, or other media outlet in the U.S. Mandatory Recruitment Options: 2 Sunday Ads in a Newspaper of General Circulation 30 Day State Workforce Authority,

PERM-Ads.com specializes in placing Labor Certification recruitment ads for Immigration Law Firms and Employers/Petitioners.

We can place ads in any national or local newspaper, radio station, trade journal, online job board, or other media outlet in the U.S.

Mandatory Recruitment Options:

Additional Recruitment Steps (Choose 3 or more)

Tear Sheets & Affidavits:

We offer both hard copy and electronic tear sheets. All radio ads come with a script, MP3, and invoice/affidavit from the radio station warranting the ads ran at a specific time and date.

Instant Delivery via Courier or FedEX:

Once your ads have run, we can arrange instant delivery of the evidential documents to your office. This cuts down on waiting times and allows you to have the necessary paperwork to file your 9089 accurately and quickly.

Direct Billing & Online Payment Options:

We can bill employers directly, which frees law firms from endless and costly accounting overhead. Online payment is available, as well as credit card payment via fax, email, or phone.

Ad Tracking System:

We run a state-of-the-art tracking system that is specifically designed for PERM. Your staff can track and monitor the ad placement status & evidential document acquisitions for hundreds of cases.

Request A Free Quote Online:

Click here to why our service is often FREE!

As mentioned above, our service is often free, this is due to the fact we are a recognized ad agency.  Media outlets lay us a commission of 15%-20% on ads, in the form of a discount on the ad price.

This means that our professional service is FREE to you.

We can also directly bill employers so that the law firm doesn’t have to manage excess accounting.

Many law firms also request that we work directly with employers, and in fact, we do exactly that on many cases for small and medium size firms.

PERM Labor Certification ad placement is a crucial phase, it’s during this recruitment that strict attention to detail and timing cannot be an after thought.

Our focus is on your recruitment time line, getting your recruitment ads in on schedule, in in full compliance with DOL regulations.

We also maintain an online Ad Tracking System that you can use 24-7, to get an exact status on your recruitment ads, as well as update or provide additional information as needed.  We also publish spreadsheet reports weekly for all clients and email them early Monday AM, so your staff has all of the info, without having to chase around for it.

Trust us for your PERM Labor Certification “immigration advertising” ad placement needs.

