// // States are passing their own immigration laws, and a far faster rate than…
Documented Dreamers Series Live 6 (9/16/2021) | Featuring Contributors from Improve the Dream
Episode 6 of the Documented Dreamers Series Live hosted by The H1B Guy and featuring contributors from ImproveTheDream.org.
Topics Include:
Introducing Two Documented Dreamers
Improve the Dream Update
Looking Ahead
Improve The Dream is an organization led by young immigrants who have grown up in the United States as child dependents of long-term visa holders without a clear path to citizenship. We are bringing awareness to the 200,000-plus “documented Dreamers” who have been ignored by proposed solutions for Dreamers. We are advocating for change that permanently ends “aging-out” and provides a path to citizenship for every child who grows up in the United States, regardless of status.
If you are a documented Dreamer or know a documented Dreamer, please have them complete this survey and we will also invite them to our “slack group” so we can work together: ImproveTheDream.org/survey.
Website: https://www.improvethedream.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImproveTheDream
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ImproveTheD…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ImproveTheDr…
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjOJ…
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